
Just a quick note to remind everyone that our deadline is Friday at NOON each week. Now, we bend this rule on occasion—we try our humanly best to get everything in each week, but, in this business there HAS to be a deadline. The paper needs to be physically printed each week and to do this a plate has to be burned and put on the press—a solid, dated physical thing.
I see there is a slew of people submitting Letters to the Editor dealing with the proposed new Geneva Community Center. This is awesome and depressing at the same time. I personally love running these letters on local issues (non-political) in our newspaper. That said, please submit them by email. I know you have to be typing them on a computer (maybe there are still some typewriters out there). Drag (highlight) what you have typed and paste it directly into an email and send it to by Friday noon of the week you want it in. If you don’t know how to do this, ask a younger family member. I can do it and I’m still on page 3 of the computer/internet/email manual.
This is important also for the fact I do not want to be responsible for a bunch of figures you have worked hard on (Doc Verhage—please get a hold of us, appreciate your submission, but that’s a lot of numbers that can be extremely difficult to type exactly correct—plus your letter was received on Monday morning, past our deadline, see above). Please, please email them to us.
Depressing part…It has never been easier to attend a Geneva City Council meeting (freaking COVID-19) and only three (maybe four at one time) members of the public were on the line during the first May meeting of the council. Geezy Petes. You can be sitting in your recliner in your pajamas eating Cheetos and dial the meeting conference number, enter the code and put your phone on mute—unmute it if you want to comment.