Veterans Memorial Park in Fairmont gets new addition
Signal Editor

A special flag-raising event took place at the American Freedom Defenders Veterans Memorial location in Fairmont Saturday morning. Barb Smith and family were on hand to present a large, beautiful American Flag that will be flown on the 45-foot pole in the center of the memorial park. The flag was donated in memory of Dick Smith, a longtime member and commander of the Lt. Earl Forbes Legion Post No. 21 in Fairmont.
With the help of Tyler Salmon and Legionnaires Jerry Johnson and Jerry Chapman, Dick’s son Mike of Lincoln had the honor of raising the flag on the pole at about 11:15 a.m., on September 14. Ron Isley sang “The Star Spangled Banner” after the flag raising.
Mary Lundberg, a member of the committee planning and fund-raising to make the veteran memorial project a reality in her hometown, said the American Flag focal point is just one of many items planned at the location just south of U.S. Highway 6 on the eastern edge of the Village of Fairmont.
Lundberg said, this winter will include several fund-raising events including a spaghetti feed at the Fairmont American Legion in early December. Many exciting additions are planned for the veterans memorial next year including granite benches in several locations; placing historical photo tiles on the cement structures that are already in place; many special lighted elements; Fallen Soldier Battlefield Cross monument; Eternal Flame structure; and a Gazebo.
“We have so many great ideas,” Lundberg said. “We are going to start major fund-raising this winter to make these happen.”
Donations for the project can be made at the Fairmont Heartland Bank location. Contact Cindy Slocum at the bank.