County up to 10 positives
A post on social media indicated two office staff members at the Fillmore County Hospital in Geneva tested positive for COVID-19 last week. These two positives increase the total for Fillmore County to 10 coronavirus positives and four positives in the last two weeks.
The five counties in the Public Health Solutions district experienced 23 new COVID-19 positives in the past two weeks. As of press time, Saline County has 519 positives (88.9 percent of the PHS total of 584) and Gage County has 45 positives (7.7 percent). The remaining three counties account for 3.4 percent—Fillmore County, 10, Jefferson County, nine, and one in Thayer County.
Neighboring counties York (37) and Clay (24) experienced no new coronavirus positives the past two weeks. Thayer and Gage counties also had no new positives. Statewide numbers indicate 16,725 COVID-19 positives (up about 1,500 from last week) in Nebraska with 216 deaths.
There will be a TestNebraska stop in York at the end of this week, Thursday, June 18, and Friday, June 19. The event will take place from 8 a.m., until noon both days at the York County Fairgrounds on the northern edge of York. Go to for more information.