Fillmore County Relay For Life activities planned for late June

Pandemic: a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world. Relay: a group of people engaged in a task or activity for a period of time. How are these two words related? Though we are currently facing a new pandemic, there is still the continuing pandemic known as cancer. To fight this pandemic the committee of the Fillmore County Relay For Life (RFL) has been working to plan the 2020 event.
Since the way RFL has always been done will not work this year, the committee has come up with an alternative plan. On Friday, June 19, RFL participants will be Cruising Against Cancer in 2020. The details of the event are still being worked out, but RFL committee can guarantee food and fun. Cruises have become the thing to do during this time so organizers are hoping to continue the excitement by having a large turnout that night. Please stay tuned for more details to follow.
RFL organizers will still be selling luminaries for the event. You can order them on-line or contact Laura Weaver (Weaver Repair), Pat Mau (Heartland Bank), Jackie Swartzendruber, Kati Jones, Kaela Lockhart or Denice Kovanda. RFL committee members can either deliver them to you to make yourself or you can ask organizers to make them. Because Fillmore County RFL is having its event over a month early, the local RFL committee will need them to be purchased by June 15.
Corona may make us plan differently, but it cannot stop us from honoring our survivors and doing what we can to fight cancer. Please plan to join Fillmore County RFL participants on June 19. If RFL committee members can answer any questions, please let them know.