Local News

2 Chambers changing event plans

The Geneva Chamber of Commerce and the committee working on this year’s Geneva Days Celebration has decided to modify the events of this year’s events due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Events that are still planned for the 4th of July weekend are the Geneva Fire Department’s annual fireworks display; a family-friendly social-distancing road rally and the golf tournament at the Hidden Hills Country Club in rural Geneva.
The committee is still looking at a possible July 4 meal; other individual organization events; and the possibility of DJ playing on July 4. A beer garden and other usual activities seem like an impossibility at the present time. Look for more updates for the Geneva Chamber of Commerce in the future.
The Ohiowa Chamber of Commerce has chosen to cancel this year’s Fun Days to comply with the current guidelines concerning the COVID-19. This year would have been the 45th annual Ohiowa Fun Day, starting in 1975.
However, the Chamber will host an Ohiowa Cruise Night on Friday, June 12, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. There will be “music to drive by” along with the availability of popcorn and Ohiowa memorabilia from past community celebrations. Make plans to attend this event on main street.
Another Chamber-sponsored event for the community is a “Community-Wide Clean-Up.” There will be two dumpsters available on Saturday, June 20, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 21, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help you “clean-up” our town. Items that will not be taken are paint, liquid chemicals, asbestos, tires, burnt materials, concrete, bricks, or dirt. A separate trailer will be available for metal or appliances. And a reminder that your grass clippings/branches/trees can be taken to the tree dump.

The Ohiowa Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1958 with the purpose to help and improve the community of Ohiowa. Sixty-two years later, the goal is the same.