Local News

New Commercial Subdivision Coming Together

Signal Editor

The Geneva City Council worked through a full agenda at its regularly-scheduled meeting last week. A great deal of time was spent on approving the details of the business development area in the extreme northeast section of the city. A Resolution was also passed forbidding the long-term parking of semi-tractor trailers in the Bullpen areas beginning May 1. Public Hearings were also opened and closed for the pavement assessments on G Street between 11th and 13th Streets and on 10th Street between A and B Streets.
Steve Parr with JEO Consulting Group went over the plans for the Galusha Commercial Subdivision. Parr said the plan is to grade the whole site and have it shovel ready for construction. Additional infrastructure work includes pouring a 30-foot wide, concrete road with curb and gutter approximately 1,200 feet long; extending an eight-inch water main south to the end of Lot 4; installing necessary culverts; building a retention basin and borrow pit; extensive drainage work and constructing a gravel turn-around area past Lot 4. No new sewer line is needed.

Parr estimated the work on the total project to approach $800,000. The City of Geneva recently applied for Economic Development funds from the Geneva City Sales Tax, rather than bonding the project. Dr. Jason Bespalec with the sales tax economic development committee told the city council that the committee approved a $500,000 grant for the project with the stipulation the grant will be repaid when TIFF or lot sale funds come into the city. The city’s initial request was $700,000. About $850,000 currently sits in the account (with new money being generated monthly and loan repayments being added as received).
“At this point, we recommend $500,000 for this project with the idea they could come back later and request more,” Bespalec said. “We didn’t want to completely wipe out the fund if there’s someone out there wanting to apply.”
The city council unanimously approved the money transfer.
“This is a much better fit rather than bonding this work,” Geneva Mayor Eric Kamler said.
Money will also be generated by the sales of lots and TIFF.
“This will also create new jobs and additional city sales tax money will be generated out there,” Council President Cody Lightwine said.
Parr also noted that the grading plans have been reviewed by NuStar officials and look okay.