YRTC return???

At the beginning of last week’s Geneva City Council meeting Geneva Mayor Eric Kamler and Geneva Admin. Kyle Svec indicated there has been a breakdown in communications with the city and Neb. Department of Health and Human Services staff about the Geneva YRTC. Svec said, originally, DHHS officials seemed on board for the city to use some YRTC facilities going forward if the facility was only going to house two to six girls. The city is also in line to provide recreation activities for these girls.
Things have changed recently.
“My expectations are low, to be blunt,” Kamler said. “I’m not certain when any girls will get here.”
Nebraska DHHS CEO Dannette Smith originally indicated that several girls would be returning to Geneva in early January to take part in a re-entry program. This date was changed to the end of January and then to mid-February.
Kamler noted he has some hope in several new bills introduced at the State Unicameral.
A pool of about 20 DHHS employees are currently training for Medicaid work in the office building in Geneva. An Open House is being planned for both the media and the public in the next weeks.