Levies set
By Signal Staff
The Fillmore County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 25. A good portion of the meeting was spent finalizing budget work for the coming tax year.
The supervisors set the Fillmore County Agriculture Society levy at .004784, which will generate a tax asking of $114,996 based on the county’s certified valuation of $2.404 billion for 2020. The Fillmore County Historical Society levy was set at .000552—generating $13,258. The highest fire district levy in the county was set at .014303, which will generate $27,430 for the Ohiowa Fire District. The highest township levy in the county was set at .017144, which will generate $21,631 for the Belle Prairie Township and $28,190.06 for the West Blue Township.
In other August 25 meeting notes:
• The county board was asked once again to make the Fillmore County Development Corporation (FCDC) a county employee. The current FCDC director has resigned and the FCDC executive board made the request. A committee was formed and will report back to the county board on September 8.
• The condition of Township Road 25 between County Road R and County Road S was discussed. The county board voted 5-1 (Supervisor Larry Cerny—no, Supervisor Wade Sluka—abstain) to purchase a culvert to be installed by the township on the road.
• A bid was awarded to KGP Yards to perform work on the Fillmore County Courthouse and on the grounds. The bid was made for $7,124.75.
• The courthouse will move back to regular hours (8 a.m., until 4:30 p.m.) effective August 26.