Different kind of Fillmore Co. Fair starts Wed.
Signal Editor
4-H shows begin this Wednesday morning kicking off the modified event schedule that will be the 2020 Fillmore County Fair. This year’s fair runs through Monday, July 13. The annual 4-H Horse Show starts at 8 a.m., this Wednesday morning. And, this year’s fair will look much different than years past, but it will do its best to let county 4-Hers and FFA members experience some sense of normalcy.
Due to Directed Health Measures (DHMs) set by local health districts and the state, along with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, attendance at the 4-H and FFA shows will be extremely limited.
“Shows are for only immediate family (exhibitor, parent/guardian, siblings)…with the 75 percent capacity allowed at outside venues, we are allowing each family to have two wristbands to give to others as they see fit,” said Fillmore/Clay County UNL Extension Educator Brandy VanDeWalle. “The Fair board (Fillmore County Ag. Society) will be monitoring the gates and checking wristbands and our ‘guest list’ from who families indicated were coming as another traceability standpoint. We had to submit a detailed plan to Public Health Solutions (the local five-district health department) and are therefore meeting all of their criteria. With us being one of the earliest fairs in the state, we are trying to set a good example for others to follow suite. If we mess up, it might ruin other fairs from happening and we want to do this right, so our kids can go back to school this fall.”
Wristband colors for this year’s fair will be: purple—horses; yellow—poultry/rabbits; pink—sheep; purple—swine and green—beef.
All livestock shows will be made available by live-streaming. There are several ways to access these.
A website with all of the details and links to the shows and where the programs will be found is: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/fillmore/4-h-2020-fillmore-county-fair-forms-state-fair-book/ The Exeter-Milligan STRIV-TV site can also be used for viewing activities. Another link is go.unl.edu/fillmoreshows.