
Life as we knew it has been cancelled…
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 37,461 Americans were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes in 2016. That’s an average of 102 people per day. Of these car accident deaths, about 2,000 children under the age of 16 perished.
To date, about 70 Americans have died because of complications with COVID-19 or the coronavirus.
More people will die today on U.S. roads than have died lifetime from this “new” virus. Did you think twice before you put your car into drive today? Or did you think, nope I’m not driving anywhere for two weeks. It’s just too dangerous to get on the road this month.
I also chuckle a bit when I hear the 24-hour scare channels talk about “new” viruses. I remember asking Doc Charles some time ago about the “new” Legionnaires’ disease during one of his weekly visits to the Signal office. He looked right at me and said, you know kid, it’s the crud. It’s been around forever. Just didn’t have a fancy name for it.
Those words still ring true to me.