Wilkins authors book
By Dianne Girmus
The Nebraska Signal
French poet Anatole France stated that, “Until one has loved an animal, part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
The world is full of amazing animals and people who love and flourish through them. Are these animals, that enhance lives in so many ways, here on this earth just for our temporary enjoyment or is there a deeper revelation as to why God created them? Do animals have a relationship with God? Do they have a soul? What do animals teach us? Why do we eat them? How should we relate to them?
If you are an avid animal lover and have deep and meaningful relationships with them, answers to these questions and many more are available in the recently-published book, “What the Bible Says About Animals” by Geneva resident Jacquelyn Wilkins.
Wilkins, originally from Minnesota and Iowa, grew up around horses and dogs and has always had a love for animals.
Wilkins said, “Even when I was very young, beginning at age 3, I would tell my mom that I wanted to be a horse and dog trainer. All I’ve ever wanted to do is a job with animals.”
Wilkins, an accomplished horse trainer today, said she had a lot of questions in her mind about animals and really wanted to know if God gave answers to them in the Bible.
“At first, I just wanted to do the research for my own peace of mind, but then when I discovered that he does give those answers, I knew I couldn’t keep this information to myself,” Wilkins said. “Animals are such a big part of so many people’s lives and knowing these answers is so important, so I decided to write a book.”